Quantity: 13 count. $15.00 per bag.
Serve yourself from our farm stand at 66 Montauk Highway in Westhampton, NY. Pay for your purchase here on our website.
Want more? Buy multiple bags or call us for custom quantity.
Having an event and want us to shuck for you? Call us: 631-514-5295.
Quantity: 13 count. $15.00 per bag.
Serve yourself from our farm stand at 66 Montauk Highway in Westhampton, NY. Pay for your purchase here on our website.
Want more? Buy multiple bags or call us for custom quantity.
Having an event and want us to shuck for you? Call us: 631-514-5295.
Quantity: 13 count. $15.00 per bag.
Serve yourself from our farm stand at 66 Montauk Highway in Westhampton, NY. Pay for your purchase here on our website.
Want more? Buy multiple bags or call us for custom quantity.
Having an event and want us to shuck for you? Call us: 631-514-5295.
Flavor: Briny and succulent, with tender meat and a smooth, clean finish. Totally awesome.
Unique Quality: Frequent tumbling with hands-on culling for flavor and nutrition in harmony with Mother Nature.
Variety: Eastern Oyster (Latin name, Crassostrea Virginica.)
Growing Region: Great Peconic Bay, Long Island, NY.
Farmer: Bart and Toni-Jo Birk.
Growing Method: Aquaculture.

Our Farm Method: Spawned in hatcheries where the seed is carefully nurtured, our spat gets their first taste of Great Peconic Bay salt water through floating upwellers. These tightly screened mesh tubes protect the teeny, tiny baby oysters as they feed and filter minerals and algae of the nutrient-rich bay waters. When they’re big enough yet still quite small, we put the happy baby oysters into their own cages on the bay bottom. Safe from predators like crabs, carefully tended and nurtured in their natural, wild setting, our HAPPY OYSTERS grow to delicious market size in about twelve months.